Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Subway Art -- or how to clock some of your winter miles underground

Still trying to walk those 10,000 steps a day, even in these frigid New York City temperatures. Coming back from New Jersey, we hoofed it down Broadway from the GW Bridge to the 168th Street station and were totally surprised to see this group of bird and insect mosaics. So far, we haven't been able to find out why this theme fits here.
These parrots could have escaped from a nearby window.
Mosquito? You don't see too many of these in Manhattan any more....
..Or grasshoppers.... if that's what it is.
This owl's on the prowl for his next meal. Could it be one of the creatures above?

Then there are mosaics at the West Side 86th Street Station created by students 20 years ago, recently highlighted in the NYTimes.

And this mosaic is a treat as you descend the steps at 42nd Street and 7th Avenue.

Roy Lichtenstein's work tells us where we are, an always welcome aid.

We found these great ceramic (?) bas-relief series, also in the Times Square station.Fashion Avenue, aka 7th avenue, is just upstairs.

The Joker? Or a generic magician.
Carmen Miranda and her giant fruit hats had nothing on these two...
It's hard to get tickets for the popular shows.

Here's a great series of Otterness sculptures we found on a blog.
Also, this NY Times article explains Otterness's project for 14th Street and Eighth Avenue Station.

Leaving Manhattan, we trained it to Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn and were met by angels.

We wonder if it is possible to make a day's excursion of viewing subway art all for one fare! Hubs are good for getting that pedometer toward our walking goal. Any one up on transfer routes?